INFINI-MIX Dynamic Mixing & Blending Solutions

Continuous, In-Line, Single Pass Mixing Technology

Direct Steam Injection & Continuous Cooking
Direct Steam Injection & Continuous Cooking

Ideal for cooking continuously with steam, The N-LG series mixer takes direct steam input along with the product to cook inline. Unlike multi-tube heat exchangers that get build-up and can foul, the Infini-Mix N-LG mixers are fully CIP-able and can run for multiple shifts before requiring a CIP.

Cooking with direct steam injection requires thorough dispersion of the steam throughout the product being cooked.  Our solution utilizes 100% of the thermal energy of the steam which translates into less steam usage.

Selecting the proper mixer intensity of our dynamic mixer is crucial. While products like Gelatin, processed cheese and starches are all applications where high intensity is required,  cooking prepared foods with inclusions requires less intensive mixing to fully disperse the steam.

Infini-Mix "N" Series Mixer for Delicate Blending
Direct Steam Injection for Continuous Cooking
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